Portfolio for the Future™

Research, Analysis, and Opinions for Better Investor Outcomes

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Displaying 2191 - 2205 of 2281
The Securities and Exchange Commission proposed on May 1 a new set of rules and interpretive guidance to ease…
Hedge Funds
Clifford S. Asness and two associates have made the case in a recent paper not only that a strategy of…
Risk Management, Hedge Funds, Asset Allocation
A recent publication on merger arbitrage strategies makes the case that global M&A activity will “remain…
Hedge Funds
Questions abound about the structures of exchanges, the prevalence of off-exchange platforms, and the…
D.J. Johnstone, a professor at the University of Sydney Business School in Sydney, Australia, is re-working…
Risk Management
By Louis Lovas, Director of Solutions, OneMarketData If there’s one thing firms must have a strong grasp on…
By Charles Skorina In our last letter we took a hard look at recent investment performance among the eight…
Manager Selection
By Andrew Beer The revelation that a key paper by Rogoff and Reinhart included errors in both coding and data…
Hedge Funds
Noah Smith, an assistant professor of finance at Stony Brook and a very sharp blogger (Noahpinion), expressed…
Asset Allocation
Ernst & Young’s new report on the future of private equity operations within the alternatives world…
Private Equity
SEI, in collaboration with the financial advice website ETF Trends, has posted a new paper on actively…
Asset Allocation
This is the second part of our two-part discussion of recent developments on the island-continent of…
Hedge Funds, Asset Allocation
This is the first of a two-part discussion of recent developments on the island-continent as they may affect…
The dour-looking fellow you see before you is Thomas Bayes, a mid-eighteenth century English mathematician,…
Risk Management