Portfolio construction is constantly evolving and requires a commitment to continuous learning and adaptation. Diversify your skills with the CFA Stackable Credential Program and gain:
- Complementary Expertise – build on your current level of investment expertise with specialized education in the rapidly evolving alternatives landscape.
- Industry Recognition – stacked with your CFA charter, the CAIA designation provides a powerful boost to your alts knowledge and your industry credibility.
- Relevant Knowledge – the CAIA curriculum reflects the most relevant and up-to-date industry analysis, tools, and best practices.
*As a CFA charterholder, you may be eligible for a CAIA Level I exam waiver toward earning the
CAIA designation and enter the program as a Level II Candidate!
Am I Eligible?
To take advantage of a Level I exam waiver, applicants must:
- Be a CFA charterholder, in good standing.
- Have a CFA digital badge, verifiable by the CAIA Association.
For more information, please review our complete Stackable Credential Eligibility Policy.
Next Steps
To register for the CFA Stackable Credential Program’s One Exam Advantage Registration option, you may begin the process at our Exam Registration Dates & Fees page:

- Select “Registration is Open” and create an account.
- Choose exam type: select “Register for One Exam Advantage Option *Exclusive for CFA Charterholders*"
- For verification purposes please provide:
- URL of your CFA Charterholder Digital Badge. This can be obtained through your LinkedIn profile. Information or questions regarding obtaining your digital badge link should be directed to the CFA Institute. Sample format of the digital badge: https://credentials.cfainstitute.org/xxxxx.
- The year you became a CFA Charterholder.
- The name of the CFA Society you are affiliated with.
Your One Exam Advantage waiver is now provisionally approved and ready for you to complete your exam registration by submitting payment information.
Following your successful exam registration, our team will verify your waiver application.
NOTE: If your digital badge does not meet requirements, you will not be able to pursue the CAIA Level II exam with the One Exam Advantage option. Your exam registration will be voided, and the exam registration fee will be refunded to you. The one-time program enrollment fee is non-refundable.