Portfolio for the Future™
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Displaying 2116 - 2130 of 2281
Many of recent history’s most significant market events have manifest in what was (previously) the extreme of…
Hedge Funds, Asset Allocation
By Rick Ehrhart, JD
A long-standing drawback of hedge fund incentive compensation has finally reached a…
State of the Industry, Hedge Funds
Two economists at the Division of International Finance, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System, have…
Access to Alternatives
It is an old favorite of tax reform wars: the subject of the favorable tax treatment of managing partners’…
Private Equity
GFIA, in its May 2014 “Research Insights,” reviewed the troubles of Japan’s equity markets in April and its…
Hedge Funds
It’s quite conceivable that the grandparents (or even parents) of the future will be made to feel even more…
Asset Allocation
(March 24 update) We present here recent anecdotals on the subject of climate change. It's a topic that…
By Diane Harrison
Money is one of the driving forces of both business and warfare: he who amasses the most…
State of the Industry
A March 16, 2014 order by the Securities and Exchange Commission clears the way for further debate over the…
Access to Alternatives
A recent survey of firm-valuation experts from 10 European countries indicates that they can produce wildly…
Risk Management
Stanislav Dolgopolov’s recent paper for the Journal of Law, Technology & Policy, at the University of…
State of the Industry, Access to Alternatives
By Andrew Beer
By one estimate, the hedge fund industry managed $2.6 trillion in capital at year-end 2013.…
State of the Industry, Hedge Funds
By Ginger Szala
MF Global is one of the more blatant examples of the danger of banks and brokers…
Manager Selection
The European Securities and Markets Authority kicked off the consultation process for the implementation of…
Hedge Funds, Access to Alternatives
At least Valeant is now trying to make money the old-fashioned way: by buying an operation that knows how it’…
Hedge Funds, Asset Allocation