Get Involved

We rely on the engagement and enthusiasm of CAIA Members to advocate for ongoing, quality education and expansion of the CAIA brand globally in the fast-paced alternatives space.

CAIA Association welcomes and encourages Members to get involved in a variety of ways to support the Association, your colleagues and peers, and the industry. Log in to your CAIA profile and review all the possibilities under “My Volunteer Interests.” Here are some of the ways you can get involved:



Work with your local Alternative Investments community to organize educational and networking events.

Join a Chapter Committee

Or learn more about becoming a Chapter Executive.

Curriculum Development

Collaborate with CAIA’s curriculum team to contribute to the CAIA exam curriculum and ongoing education.

Exam Development

Assist the CAIA Exams team with development and crafting of exam questions and topics.

Lend Your Expertise

Present on a topic in your field or participate as a panelist at a CAIA educational event to share your expertise with CAIA Members, Candidates and industry professionals. In addition, you may submit articles or white papers for possible inclusion in our blog.

Grading Jamboree

Demonstrate your interest to volunteer as a grader for the essay portion of the Level II exams at one of our bi-annual Grading Jamborees held after the Level II exam window closes. An email with further information and instructions is sent to active Members in advance of each event. Volunteers are selected from the pool of those who indicate interest and availability.

Share Your Story

Contribute a Member Spotlight where you can explain why you chose to pursue the CAIA designation or share how earning the CAIA designation has impacted your career.