
State of the Industry

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Displaying 811 - 825 of 1193
By Diane Harrison Hegemony, holding a slightly sinister meaning in most contexts, defines an asymmetrical…
State of the Industry, Hedge Funds
Los Angeles-based Cliffwater LLC has recently updated a report it prepared a year ago on how state pension…
State of the Industry, Private Equity, Private Debt, Asset Allocation
The Emerging Markets Private Equity Association, in a new report, suggests that the “Africa Rising” narrative…
Asset Allocation, Emerging Asset Classes, Private Equity, State of the Industry
Aviva Investors has prepared a research report on absolute return fixed income. The report, called “Building…
Asset Allocation, State of the Industry
One of the most successful variety shows on television was the Lawrence Welk Show. Debuting in 1955, the show…
State of the Industry
By standard definition, a “quantitative” investing strategy is one that selects securities using customized…
Hedge Funds, State of the Industry
The Emerging Market Private Equity Association (EMPEA) has announced its first initiative aimed at closing…
State of the Industry, Manager Selection
Eurekahedge has recently concluded its fifth annual survey of asset managers with mandates to invest in Japan…
State of the Industry, Asset Allocation
A new study by the Symbiotics and GIIN research teams looks at private debt impact funds (PDIFs); that is, “…
State of the Industry, ESG
Blossom Finance, an investment consultancy that describes its business model as “commercial financing with…
State of the Industry, ESG, Emerging Asset Classes, Access to Alternatives
Tanzeel Akhtar has written a story for BraveNewCoin in which she discusses the availability of distressed…
State of the Industry, Emerging Asset Classes, Access to Alternatives
A forthcoming issue of the Journal of the European Economic Association will carry a study arguing that…
State of the Industry, Emerging Asset Classes
A new paper by Marco Dell’Erba and Giovanni Patti takes a look at a recent crisis involving the stock of the…
State of the Industry, Hedge Funds, Access to Alternatives
The Eurekahedge April 2018 report says that hedge funds were down in the first quarter of the year (-0.13%).…
Hedge Funds, Manager Selection, State of the Industry
The two commissions that serve as market enforcers in the United States, the Commodity Futures Exchange…
State of the Industry, Access to Alternatives