
State of the Industry

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The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission recently (on July 26) disapproved of proposed rules changes that…
Access to Alternatives, Emerging Asset Classes, State of the Industry
Pitchbook has a new report out about private equity activity in Europe. It indicates that, despite a slow…
State of the Industry, Private Equity, Manager Selection
LPL Financial’s 2018 Forum Conference for investors took place in Boston this week, Sunday through Tuesday.…
State of the Industry, Asset Allocation, Access to Alternatives
By Bill Kelly Private equity is quite simply capital not listed on a public exchange (props to…
Educational Alpha, State of the Industry, Private Equity
BarclayHedge says that its flash estimate for the Barclay CTA Index shows a 0.05% loss in June, and a 2% loss…
State of the Industry, Hedge Funds, Emerging Asset Classes, Asset Allocation, Access to Alternatives
By Diane Harrison It’s simple human nature to believe more of what you see than what you hear. The human…
State of the Industry
By Bill Kelly, CEO, CAIA Association The base case for distributed ledger technology (or DLT, and often used…
Educational Alpha, State of the Industry, Emerging Asset Classes, Access to Alternatives
Yes, it sounds a bit like the phrase “jumbo shrimp,” in terms of sense, but a “long short-term memory neural…
State of the Industry, Risk Management
When Justice Kennedy announced that he is stepping down from the US Supreme Court, the profiles of his time…
State of the Industry, Access to Alternatives
A new study by Casey Quirk looks at asset management in China. It makes a bold claim: that by 2030, asset…
Educational Alpha, State of the Industry, Manager Selection, Asset Allocation
Two scholars affiliated with Boston College, Carroll School of Management, have published a study of initial…
Access to Alternatives, Asset Allocation, Emerging Asset Classes, State of the Industry
The fifth Ben Graham Annual Conference, the marquee event of the CFA Society New York, took place as…
State of the Industry, Risk Management
Christina Atanasova and Gilles Chemla have posted a discussion of pension plans,where holdings show a tilt…
State of the Industry, Manager Selection, Asset Allocation
The newest Eurekahedge report says that total hedge fund assets have grown by $26.4 billion in the year to…
State of the Industry, Manager Selection, Hedge Funds
The Battle of the Quants came to New York City on Wednesday, June 20, and the CAIA Association was one of its…
Access to Alternatives, Asset Allocation, Emerging Asset Classes, State of the Industry